Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Worth of Success

I know it’s somewhat difficult to be a teacher. Yes, I’m a College of Education Student and soon to be teacher. It’s difficult to find a job now days so I was little bit unsecured about my course that I’ve been taking up right now. I have to strive, study hard and do well on my grades so that I could be able to compete whenever I’ll graduate and be in the real world. I can say that today, being a teacher, you should have patience- which I don’t have. But still I’ll do my best to gain that patience.
Being a teacher is a fulfilling profession. Though the salary not that worthy for the effort and sacrifices but it is a worthy profession after all. I can still remember my cousin talking about her salary. Actually she’s a fresh graduate teacher and she used to have different Loans. Because of not that good salary, she used to have Unsecured Personal Loans. Every month her salary was deducted in all her Loans she had. I just wish that I could have helped her by advising her to take some Business Loans for her to start a successful life to business and as a teacher.
I hope that it helps me to motivate more to study hard and stay in this course. God bless everyone.

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