Friday, March 27, 2009

TaG for You

I got this TAG from Bryan. I visited his blog and check it out and copied the tag. I'm so thankful that he chose me to be one of his recipients of this tag. Thanks a lot Bryan for this tag. For those who haven't received any of this, feel free to copy and pass the tagging.

The basic premise is this – answers should all be “at the current moment.”

Let's do this!
1. Where is your cell phone --- in my desk
2. Your hair --- curly and black
3. Your father--- at home
4. Your favorite thing --- drawing, blogging
5. Your dream last night--- our RAC project
6. Your favorite drink --- iced tea
7. Your dream goal --- to be a mature Christian
8. The room you are in --- Living room
9. Your fear --- heights, mistakes- decision making
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years --- At home with my family.
11. Muffins --- chocolate
12. One of your wish list items --- to have my personal laptop
13. Where you grew up --- Iligan City, Philippines
14. The last thing you did --- clicking the mouse of my PC
15. What are you wearing ---pajama, T-shirt
16. Your TV ---Sharp
17. Your pet --- Dog, but it’s gone
18. Your computer --- PC
19. Your life --- roller coaster
20. Your mood --- no mood- empty LOL.
21. Missing someone --- my special someone
22. Your car --- invisible
23. Favorite mall --- Gaisano Mall
24. Your summer --- I will have my OJT
25. Your favorite color --- yellow
26. When was the last time you laughed --- this morning (with my friend)
27. When was the last time you cried? --- can't remember
28. Last person who emailed you --- sponsored review
29. Your favorite food --- peanut, adobo
30. A place you would rather be right now --- church

I'm passing this tag to some chosen friends and cousins here in the blogging world. I’ll pass this tag to my cousin Marky, who can’t graduate this year LOL, to Shimumsy who commented on my latest post, to my cousin Yang for being a new blogger and to Nikka so that she can have a new post today. For those who I haven't mentioned, you’re included here. It's just that it'll be too long if I'll mention yah all. Thanks again Bryan.

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