Friday, March 13, 2009

Successful Digital Film Fest

I went home late at night today because we (me and my sister) watched our school’s short film festival. I do really have a great time in watching it. Though, we find inconvenient when it come to accommodations but the movies were very great. It shows some individuality and uniqueness. It is somewhat “the birth of the new artists and film maker”. Truly, the students of MSU-IIT (Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology) proved there talents.I just wish that I could have provided some snapshots for you.
To sum up everything that happened to me today, actually, I enjoyed my day.

I just want to congratulate my cousin Marky a.k.a. “GreenMan” (he’s blogger too) who’s the story writer of one of the movie during the film fest. Their movie is entitled “She’s my Angel”. I love that story. I hope that you could watch the trailer.

God bless.

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