Sunday, March 1, 2009

Inspirational Quote

Seek to find peace inside your heart. You can always find happiness when you give it to others. Be blessed by God’s presence. In God you can be a bless others. Find a way that you can be a blessing to someone in your own special way. Value yourself. God wants you to be happy and God wants the world to be happy because of you.
When can’t find the happiness in you, seek to know God and the people of God. He will always there for you. I swear. To seek God’s people, you can knock my door. I’m very much welcome to help you in terms of emotional comfort. I will always willing to help you. In this way, I can be a blessing to you. You may e-mail me if you want advices.
God Bless Everyone. Have a happy Sunday.


  1. Wow you are now counsel for a broker heart. that amazing mam.

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  2. this is so true. If you want to be happy make other people happy. That is the way i have lived my life for a very long time now.

  3. Beautiful quote. Indeed some things are better shared than kept for oneself.
