Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm willing to help

Hello friends. Well, I was a little bit busy today. You know our final examination is approaching and summer time will be here. So I keep myself busy right now. By the way, my cousin’s friend Nikka wants to ask some favor for me. She wants me to help her in her new blog. I want to give her tips to have a new start. This time, I was giving her the option to choose the best web hosting company. It’s difficult for me to decide about the best. I’m still lucky for the webhosting that provides a comparison for the best webhosting company. I just hope it will help her.
It looks like blogging is everyone’s interest now. I’m just happy for her and I hope I could have helped her to update and suggest some tips to have a good start. Oops, something is wrong with my schedule, I just wish for a good luck for us, though I’m struggling with my schedule.
God bless.


  1. Bai, na a ko business proposal sayo
    pila man ang bayad pag nag butang ako ng 125x125 ads dyan sa blog site nimo.

    pwede bang P100 for 1 year banner

  2. sorry its

    anong cell number nimo para maka text ta para kusog kay dugay reply
