Sunday, February 15, 2009

Planning for an Overnight-Project?

Hello friends… How’s your Day? Well, I’m feeling great today. We went to church with my sister and my cousin. I’m renewing myself and I’m ready to face my week with joy and confidence that I can overcome any obstacles that comes my way. So, what about my weekly schedule?
This week’s schedules were all set. It’s a little bit tricky but it’s okay. My classmates and I were planning to have an overnight at our house to do our Corel draw designing using our computer. Since we only have two available rooms, I’m planning to barrow some air mattress to my grandmother so that we’ll going to sleep at the living room. Air mattress is really great. It’s very comfortable when you use it. So everything is going to be alright.
God Bless everyone.


  1. that's a great plan!
    goodluck wit that.
    btw thanks for droppin by
    my blog <3
    take care& Godbless!

  2. I so love a sleep over! Its almost like a girl's bonding aheheh.
