Tuesday, February 17, 2009

JS Prom is Here

Excited for our JS Prom

My best friend and I were so excited for our coming JS Prom. At this moment in time, she already prepared our evening dress and she had prepared a pink gown for me. I was laughing at her because she prepared for it last December. It’s been a month now when she prepared for it. I can’t explain the excitement that we felt inside.

In my whole life, I never experienced to be in the prom. I don’t have any idea what happens in Prom’s Night. If ever our prom will be held this month, we will make sure that we’ll going to do the best to look good and beautiful for that night. After preparing for the dress, Beth also suggested in finding the best cosmetics and other salon supplies that we’ll going to use. She wanted to put some hair-high light, hair relax, make up etc. We had agreed to look for the best salon supplies that are high in quality and low in prices and luckily we had found the best beauty products for our JS Prom.
This February, our college has no yet scheduled our JS Prom so we were a little bit worried. We prepared a lot and yet the JS Prom wasn’t scheduled yet. I hope to God that we will have a Prom before the month of February ends.
God Bless Everyone. Be beautiful always.

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