Friday, February 20, 2009

It’s perfect for Her

Every time I see my sister, every morning, waking up early for school I imagine myself when I was young. Crying and lazily eat my breakfast. The time I saw her, I just remember how it feels to be scolded in the morning. When it comes to difficult times, I think this is a bad situation for my sister. Every morning, it’s just like a routine, crying every morning.
My sister goes to an elementary school. So it’s little it hard headed sometimes. I know how it feels to be a child. So I just want to make her happy, so I’m planning to surprise her and buy her with great toys I found in the net. It is a playdex toys. I think it’s perfect for her upcoming birthday. Last time I had gave her a new pencil case and a coloring book. I saw her pretty face and lovely smile. It’s good to do some Step2 in surprising her and makes her making her happy.
I just love my sister. God Bless.

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