Thursday, February 12, 2009

Debt for Me

Today, I just went to the city to withdraw some money from my account. Yes, I do really need some money- especially we were facing some financial crisis. It’s the moment that we need to have some extra income to sustain our daily needs.
One of the reasons why I have to work hard this time is that… as a student we have to find ways to supply all our needs at school. I’m an Industrial Education student so we usually have laboratory work and an output project. During this time I don’t have enough money for that specific project.
My cousin Marky a.k.a. “green man” -also a blogger- offered some help to me. I was so happy because he was in the right timing. He helps me up during the time when I need some financial assistance for my project. I’m also glad that despite of that entire economic crisis, there is always a big help for me.
Speaking f debt- I have to return that money to him today. But he refused to accept it tonight because of some superstitious beliefs- you know… bad luck.
But do you know what, speaking of debts; there are people who benefits from there debts and the debt collection were all organized and safe. When you wish to have money it takes too much time to assure security in your account. This will going to be one of the best site for you.debt collection site
Safe and guarantee some safe transactions.
I just wish you the best for you today. God Bless.

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