Friday, January 16, 2009

One Step at a Time

Definitely, this post is not about Jordin Sparks’ music entitled “One Step at a Time”. Well, I actually want to post this for my sister (I don’t know if she’ll like this) LOL. But I just want to encourage her and congratulate her for her hard work and perseverance. Truly she'll soon be called as "graduate". Yes, she is a BS Math graduating student of MSU-IIT (Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology)… soon. This March is her graduation day. This will be her greatest chapter of her life. She will soon end her College life as she walks not as a student but a new responsible citizen.
Now, she's busy preparing for her thesis, pictorials- for the year book and all those stuffs that will be needed for graduation. Hmm I can already smell the toga, cap and diploma. Here's the photo for her year-book. LOL (She might scold me for posting this!)
Soon to be MSU-IIT graduate... (a preparation).LOL.

A photo for her year-book

Just one step at a time, soon you will be there.
I wish her the best towards the quest of her life… your family will always here for you, Good luck in building your future. God Bless (ate)!


  1. ui bs math siya? wow ka prove na diay siya 1 + 1 = 0? hehehe.. SMAS pud ko sauna.. stat man ko hehe.. congrats!

  2. yay that is exciting congrats to her

  3. congrats to her sis! a lot of jobs await her in the real world.

    my hubby's a mechanical engineering grad at msu-marawi. but he took up bs math in our homeplace sa cdo. then he came here in the US for MS math degree. now he's graduating for his PhD in math. i am just wondering if ur sis would like to study here in the US too. iyang career in-demand kaayo diri, especially if she'll proceed to a graduate program. :)

    kudos to her!
