Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Favorite Place to Hangout

My favorite place

School Library

Wow... love it!

Is there anyone here? LOL

Okay. Knowledge is power!

I've been in the school Library for a while...
This is the place where I used to be...
Strolling around, trying to find something, maybe some interesting books to read. Every Tuesday's of the week- while waiting for my class to start- I used to be here and I enjoyed it a lot.

I love to be here. Though, some of my classmates invited me to go them, but I refused not to go to... maybe it's just a matter f personality. It is my choice to be alone this time. I have a lot of friends but there are times in my life that we need to be alone. It's just you and yourself. LOL I don't know if you understand that. There are times in our life we need some peace. And in the library I found that pleasure and peace that is within me. In the library there are books that you can be call as friends... ready to reveal its self to you... if only you will spend some time to do so.

How was it to be here? Well, I can say that I'm okay now. In my life, I always seek for a second or a minute to have peace within you, to emotionally check your feelings and attitudes and most of all to spend some peaceful time to talk and rest with God. Have a peaceful hour to you. God Bless.


  1. I love libraries too. I love books actually so anywhere that houses tons of books are my favourite place. Usually bookstores qill be my frequent hang out place. *^_~*

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  3. I love the smell of a library. I thought I caught a whiff of it when I saw your photos! Nice post.

  4. hello!

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  5. Libraries for Loveraries!!! a secret place to hide!!! and a secret place to meet...i love libraries then...
