Monday, January 26, 2009


The time I started blogging, I become so busy and my entire schedule was so hectic. With all my projects, sometimes I sleep almost 3 AM in the morning. I think it’s already immune in my system-to sleep late at night. I tell you, being a student and a blogger, comes with a great responsibility. You have to work hard and come up with a good output in your projects and a good quality post. Sometimes we have to sacrifice to achieve our goals in life- and that’s what I’m doing right now. I just pray to God that I can handle it all.

I can’t imagine myself struggling in my AutoCAD projects. At first, I was so excited to have this subject but now… I think the atmosphere has changed. Since our computer was transferred to our living room, I have to stay alone-late at night- in this pace. I do really need help, but I think that my family is all as sleep now. It’s also dark here. I thank that I have a lamp on my computer so that I won’t feel afraid in the dark. My mom suggests of having a desk lamp on my computer so that I can turn off the light in our living room- just a simple tip to save current. Use lamp shade to save energy. LOL I'm just being practical this time.

I just want to have some company this time. I hope you will visit me often now. I wish that you will accompany me in my stressful days. God Bless. Thanks for being here. I wish you Good luck.


  1. hey there...take it easy. You're young. I think you need to enjoy some "me" time. Give yourself some time to just relax and take it easy. a cheat day where you get to do a lot of fun things or just bum around and enjoy listening to music... take care. =)

  2. Just looking around. You've got a gift in writing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

    More power!

  3. you are like my daughter but she gave up.
    Take Care

  4. God bless you and I pray that God will continue to bless you in everything you do.
    Is there any impossible for God?

  5. I meant to say
    Is there anything impossible for God?
