Friday, December 12, 2008

My SMS Loyal Sender

Lately, I've been so busy updating my blog... But I still thank those people who continually sending me some SMS on my mobile. Though I don't have time to respond to their messages but I still appreciate their effort. So I give this special space for their messages. Hope you could spend time to read.

"Went I 1st know u I never thought you'd be my friend like what u r like now, I may not expressive n what I feel but 2 tell you honestly... your 1 of the best people I share smiles with. :)"

"I don't know if his still thinking of me... But somehow I'm getting used to it. But it gets harder everyday... Knowing that, I miss someone who never missed me."
From: Angel

"Don't mess up with sum1 who never learned 2 care... move on. For the billions and billions of people around the planet, who told u it's hard to 2 find a replacement? U
From: Ajed

"Hi... missing u nah"
From: Ervin

Somebody asked me, how stupid I am when it comes to love? I smiled & answer... "I give my heart to somebody and even if I saw him throwing it away... I still give it back to him"
From: Jesa

From: Kuya Rick

To all my solid SMS sender.. My textmate & friends... Sorry for having such no time to responding in your messages. Hope u appreciate what I did today. Keep going.