Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Buddy?

Lately we had our Math exam and guess what... my so-called buddy didn't help me at all. Our teacher told us not to use our calculator and it really cause me to panic. I immediately loosed my confidence. I rely so much with that kind of thing. But what I've learned today is that... don't rely so much on the material thing in this world.

You know what keeps my heart going? My Lord Jesus Christ is on the rescue. He was their solely to regain that trust and forget about the fear that I've felt. He will never fail me... And I believe in that.

Jesus Christ...
The name I can trust...
My present help...
My best friend...
My councilor...
My Best-Buddy...
My All!


  1. I can't live without my calculator too. I would panic if I can't use it during exams. Anyway, I'm an accounting student.

  2. and i say "amen" to you.

    GOD is our BEST Buddy.

  3. Yes, our real buddy is Jesus Christ who is always there for us 24/7. We must rely only in Him. Thanks for the post. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you and your loved ones. God bless you always my young friend.
