Monday, December 1, 2008

Movie Break-Twilight... 2008

I recently watched this movie and I do really love it. Though, I'm not really fun of watching horror movies specially watching vampire movies, but this one, is really fascinating.
The story of Bella and Edward proves the real love behind differences. The love that is unconditional, ready to protect and ready to accept any differences. And I love this unforgettable thought from Edward "Bella, you are my life now." This romantic and suspense story really gives a mark as the year 2008 ends. Totally a big heat after "Harry Potter", this surely is a big break of Cedric Diggory. The person of Edward Cullens makes him the new Movie Personality- a heartthrob.

This is my favorite scene in the movie. I love this scene and it is self expressing.
Enjoy the movie, but remember this is just a movie out from the wild imagination of the author... Don't make and believe as it's real. Gold Bless. Watch out of what you believe....

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