Saturday, December 20, 2008

In Love?- A life from a Lifeless

I just make fun of this photo. LOL I don't know what comes in my mind when I took this picture from our empty container of our mineral water. Maybe there's something in them that catches my attention... Maybe... they are in love? I just think of it as one of my craziest imagination... Yeah crazy, I'm making fun of things that has no life at all. I usually do a childish play specially when I'm alone or I have nothing to do.

Maybe, if they have life right now, they will surely be in love to each other. Because there presence and existence is all that they have. There's no one else in there, but them. They are always with each other... making used of a time each day that they have each stay together. They were so close and in touch. They have the same perceptions. They are empty, but they don't care... for them, having each other is being complete and overflowing.

Heww... I got nothing to do for myself here. I just come to think of it... as I missed someone who was not here this Christmas.
God Bless. Remember to greet someone you love this X-mas.


  1. thanks for sharing :) Merry Christmas in advance.

  2. nice one!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!:)
