Monday, December 22, 2008

I Should be There

My cousin Marky just send this photos to me. My mother asked him to send the photos when they had their Christmas party at the beach. I wish to be their in that photo shoot... but it's too late for me this time. Looking at these photos... I was so glad 'cause our former congressman in Iligan City Cong. Tikbong Badelles was there also to celebrate. Really, that is an opportunity that I've missed.

This happened last Saturday at Bucana Beach Resort. They ( my younger sister, my mom, my cousins and my aunties) went to the beach for that party... Early in the morning they all prepared for the food and other beach stuffs. And, for me who is not an early bird, I woke up almost 10:00 in the morning, at that time they are about to leave. So what I did was... I just bid goodbye. Then, that time my day started... eat my breakfast and start blogging.
Last time I promised myself to explore more, go out and enjoy. Get along with other people and mingle. But I failed to do so. It's just between me and my so-called "laziness". Well I got to work it next time- to break for walls that isolates me and the world. But I should set some limitations, according to God's boundary. God Bless... friends.


  1. there is always another time!don't worry!:)

  2. Hello LinGZ,

    I read your question at Kuerdas - about how to link your blog with a photo.

    It is not possible for me to put the html script in this Comment box as it will not accept the html codes and therefore you would never get it.

    I posted the script for your picture link for your blog at my Message Box at my blog. You can see it there.

    It is a real example of for your blog picture link.

