Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bond.. Relax & watch a Movie

Well it's another time for family bonding... It's good to know that you have with you your family who is always been so supportive to me. I love my family so much. LOL Just sharing you my moment w/ them as we watched the all-time "block buster" movie in the Philippines... the "A Very Special Love" starring Sarah Geronimo and John Loyd Cruz. Actually this is the second time that I've watched this movie but the "kilig" factor that it gives is so unusual. The characters are very convincing and the team-up Sarah and Loyd has so-called "chemistry" Hope you could watch it too. Thumbs up for me! Love the moment and love the movie... and I love the readers-in this blog- so want to share it with you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for promoting this movie! ^_^
    Actually I watched it two times when it was still showing and I'm looking forward to its sequel entitled "You Changed My Life". The playdate will be on February 25, 2009. Hope you will watch it too.
