Saturday, November 22, 2008

WaSh Day

I just can't help myself but to wash all the clothes that has been dumped in my room. It's been a year already since I've washed all those clothes. LOL well, maybe just only a couple of weeks. I know most of the time my mom always wash our clothes... so just trying to help her this time. So I start blogging late in the afternoon.
Maybe some of my reason why I just want to wash it... is maybe because... I just want to prepare all my clothes to wear in school... yeah- let's consider it as an experience- 'coz last Wednesday my teacher asked me why I'm not wearing our "school uniform" that day...So he gave me a warning...and next time he'll mark me absent if still I'm not in uniform.LOL The truth is- I didn't really washed my uniform during weekends. So maybe next time I should try to prepare for it and wash it every week. Hehehe a weekly lesson for me~ Anti-laziness. LOL
Good Day Everyone.

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