Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Smart Love?

Well, just wanna share you this book that I’ve been reading lately… This book is entitled “I kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris. Surely this book is really great. Hope that you can have one too. Enjoy… reading- if you have one. Just remember "Don't make rush decisions... wait for God and He will take the lead. Let this book be your "treasure map" in finding the right love for you. Be smart about love. Surely it will inspires you on how to love with accordance to God’s will. God Bless.


  1. I haven't read this book yet but this is one familiar book. :)

  2. I read this book when I was in college. Another Joshua Harris must-read is Boy Meets Girl. :)

    Happy Blogging!

  3. I read this book but haven't finished it. It's a nice book! I also love reading the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

  4. I read this book years ago and it definitely helped me put things in perspective. Here's another book worth reading - What to Do Until Love Finds You by Michelle Mckinney Hammond :)

  5. i already finished that book nice boook dough. God has something instore for us.

  6. I read this book before too and his other one, Boy meets girl..but I still prefer going through the dating phase

  7. love will love when you least expect it. But you gotta find it the smart way.. The sounds intersting
    My Daily Thoughts Money Journal Blogger"s Recollections

  8. i have read boy meets girl by joahua harris too. i like some ideas but not all. i guess you cant please everyone.

  9. when i was 16 i bought this book and was totally convinced to give up dating forever, but then my soon-to-be husband came into my life as more than just a friend and i never got around to reading this book... :) i still have it in our library though... :)
