Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Get Started...

I do really feel good today. It's the day of refreshing oneself- spiritually. Yes, we need to go to church. Since today is Sunday, we went to the church together with my sister. It's been a couple of weeks already or almost two Sundays that we missed-out to go to church. I tell you... we need to seek God first. Let's try to evaluate ourselves. Only in God's hand we can feel comfort and assurance.
I can testify this to you. I’ve been in a long week of struggles. Everyday, my heart is restless. I've been so worried about "decision making"... what will comes next... and how can I overcome it? I've been talking about my conflict schedules, school work, financial expenses... Huh... so miserable since last week. Thanks to our Lord. He restores my heart again. I'm free and ready to face Mr. Monday. It's time for me to Get Started to this week's life-journey. Have a blessed Sunday.

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