Sunday, November 23, 2008

Food for Life IV

Hello friendly bloggers... Here's my fourth batch of photos. I know some of you really love the post. So it's free to explore and react based upon your own perspectives. Get involved to the arts and self-expression.

This photo simply tells us about life. We need to sacrifice something to have the juicy life. I mean the life that satisfies our thirst. Work hard and aim high. Sacrifice what's best in us and God will fill the lacking that is overflowing. Work according to will. God Bless.

This photo really reminds me of my own self. Sometimes I became more immature and I always complain of what I don't have. Our life became so miserable and unhappy of aiming something of what we don't have. Try to be happy and be thankful of what we have. Live a life with thanksgiving. Have blessed Sunday! God is good.

I got these photos from my sister's e-mail so I cannot site the sources. Tnx!


  1. Nice pics and post you have here :)

    And so i'm giving you this award hope you can grab it

    God bless!

  2. happy thanksgiving sunday c: nagcelebrate kami kahapon sa church c:

  3. hi..nice picture i like it..and regards

  4. Love the photos... they're so nice. thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate it. Sure I will gladly link you up. You can check it now. See ya around.

  5. wow is fuuny pict sister

  6. Haha, I like the orange. Ang cute!

  7. Are these your photos? They're really cute:)
