Saturday, September 13, 2008

CaN u? ; )

Just can't help myself but to blog all day. I know something awaits me... chadang.. ~my assignments. My mathematics subject really makes me nuts. Logarithmic functions, equations... all algebra and trigonometry..hooo.. Well, I'm not that totally weak at mathematics but I need a special time to study. I think I need my ate (big sister)... She is a BSMath student so I'll answer my assignments with her. Heeelp.. where's my tutor sister? huh.. What happen? LOL. She had a tooth ache so today she went to the dentist and pull that (grrr...) aching tooth. So time to study by my own. Study, study, study... I need to be independent now when it comes to assignments. GO!Go! or Maybe tommorow she'll be ok so I'll do my assignment tommorow... I'll go blogging now.LOL

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