Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thanks… Head & Shoulder

I just want to share this newly discovered cure for skin disease. Do you know that head & shoulder shampoo is also good for your skin? Yeah, it’s true. Last year I really suffer a disease in my skin. It’s just a little redness but I got worried about it. It’s going larger at my back part of my body. Lately I’ve searched from the net that the head & shoulder shampoo is also good for skin. “Pyrithione zinc” is found in head & shoulder shampoo and it is very effective. just use it as a body wash. I tell you, just a week, the redness is all gone. And it is much cheaper than any ointment-I just spent five pesos for it.
Skin disease? Worry no more- Try head & shoulder.
Remember... you have to feel good and look good about your self. God Bless.

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