Monday, October 20, 2008

OUr Craziest Idea

I got so much funny memories with my friend. We met when we were second Year College. So almost one year when we became friends. We usually enjoy each others company. Today we do a terrible thing... craziest yet funniest. Usually I eat during lunch in their boarding house and what happens is that... on the way to school (we are tired in using the overpass) so what we did is that we cross the street that is strictly prohibited to pedestrian. The signage was very clear- "No Jay Walking". But we still go on. There is this traffic enforcer and whistle us. Instead we stop and use the overpass, we ran though. LOL Every body is looking in us. The drivers, our colleagues, the traffic enforcers even he surveillance camera. It’s too bad for us. It’s a college student breaking the rules? I think it's not me... for me, that’s a funny but very terrible thing I've done. Enjoy your day. God Bless.

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