Saturday, October 25, 2008

Me Maestro Dissapointed Me

*sigh... I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I'm happy because finally it is the start of our semester-break, and I'm free now... from my endless-projects... to "nose bleeding-exams", activities and requirement are over. It's a long break will start now, but it is not that easy at all. I was very excited to know the result of my hard work, but what I got is a complete "disappointment". I can't believe that our teacher gave me a flat 2.00 grades my two major subjects. I work really hard for that reward... but what happen is I totally loose it. What hurts more is that, though I'm happy for my friend but, my friend got higher grade than I. For me I deserve all that credits cause I work hard and help her finished that projects+ I got more higher grades in the exams. So maybe our teacher or let me say our "maestro" got me wrong. I thank God for the wisdom of acceptance. Accepting the the defeat and start over and do better next time. God Bless.

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