Monday, November 5, 2012

The Comeback- not just a Blogger but a Webmaster

It's been a while since I started again-- blogging. I almost forgot that I am a blogger. Well, in many months I haven't posted some posts here, I learned a lot about SEO, wordpress tweaking and all about affiliate marketing. I'll be posting some tips and guide on how to do all this things. But for now, just give me a warm welcome my friends. I will share a little bit of what I've learned.

God bless you and have a great day. Keep going.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I'm Back. Stronger and Bolder

I am back to the blogesphere. It's been a long time since the time I posted here in my blog. My life was in ups and downs a few months ago. We were flooded, I ran out of job, my faith to God was tested and everything seems to be in trouble. Only in God I found peace and regenerate my soul. My surrounding is in chaos,but I will find peace in His presence. True peace only comes from the Prince of Peace... Jesus Christ. 

Thank you God for restoring everything. This welcome note is for me. I am happy to see you. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

There is HOPE

In times of need... in times of strong storms and typhoons... this is what we are holding on to. Trust and believe that God gives hope to the hopeless.

Keep going everyone. God bless.