Friday, April 29, 2011

Away for a Vacation? Keep your Pets in Good Hands in Pet Sitting Services

It is summer time. Are you planning to go for an outing? How about retreat? Do you wish to be on a youth camp or you just want to stick to your work and do overtime job? Well whatever your plans this summer. When you started going out of town and busy on beach hopping, who watched over your pets?

I am not that person who is a pet lover, but after I watched the movie Hachicko, I feel the compassionate and care for pets. This is one of the movie that makes me cry every time I remember the story. It is a true story of a dog who shows loyalty and care for his master. Even after his master died, the dog still continue and wait for his master in a train station-waiting and longing that his master will come back. Many pet owners sometimes forget that their pets are like family member. They also feel the same as we do. Thr time we are left alone at home we feel sad and lonely- pets do.

So this blog post is made for you not to ruin your vacation plans but to help you up in making your plans perfect.
It is summer time. Are you planning to go for an outing? How about retreat? Do you wish to be on a youth camp or you just want to stick to your work and do overtime job? Well whatever your plans this summer. When you started going out of town and busy on beach hopping, who watched over your pets?

I am not that person who is a pet lover, but after I watched the movie Hachicko, I feel the compassionate and care for pets. This is one of the movie that makes me cry every time I remember the story. It is a true story of a dog who shows loyalty and care for his master. Even after his master died, the dog still continue and wait for his master in a train station-waiting and longing that his master will come back. Many pet owners sometimes forget that their pets are like family member. They also feel the same as we do. Thr time we are left alone at home we feel sad and lonely- pets do.

So this blog post is made for you not to ruin your vacation plans, but to help you up in making your plans perfect. Sometimes there are situations that our pets are left behind. Well, if you want to make your pet feel comfortable and feels like they are at home you better checkout Charlotte Pet Sitting today and experience great services for your pet. Checkout their website pet sitting Charlotte NC and you can learn different services and learn how it provides a multitude of services for your loved ones.

We all wish to feel comfort, love and care from someone. Our pets feel the same way to

Charlotte pet sitting services provide you great services like:

-Overnight visits and extended stays
-Cat only households (20 or 40 minutes)
-Dog walking (15 or 30 minutes)
-Pet sitting (30 or 45 minutes)
-Lunchtime potty breaks (15 minutes)

I hope this info helps make your vacation perfect and worry-free on your pets. You can also ensure that your pets are in good hands.

Keep going everyone and enjoy your vacation break.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where we are Heading?

Hey guys, many of you here had trouble with their family in terms of finances and properties. Life is unpredictable, you don't know what comes next of today. Only God knows about our tomorrow.

Live life to the fullest, but live it right. We must be prepared all the time. Protect our family through personal insurance, it helps in protecting the financial well-being of your family the event that you are sick or you passed away.

The most important for us is to know where we are heading. That is heading to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My High School Alumni Home Coming 2011

I can’t imagine myself attending my high school alumni homecoming. It is like yesterday… but I feel like I’m going back in my high school years already. As I reminisce the past, there is such joy when I learned how God really helped me grow into a responsible and a mature person.

As we gathered in the gymnasium, I saw my teachers and my old classmates in high school- way back in the year 2006. I can’t believe that I have also seen my crushes, my puppy love my “young love” at that day. Well, his identity will always remain as a secret.

At that moment I miss my high school years. How I wish to go back in my teenage years. I miss my friends bonding, my everyday assignments, the flag ceremony, singing our “alma mater” song, flirting to my crushes (LOL that was my old “me”) and the feeling of being free from responsibility. Oh, I miss all those things.
All of those things help me grow. I will not be a fully grown adult today without those “roller coaster ride” experience in my adolescence years.

Keep going everyone. Keep the faith always. God bless.