Monday, February 21, 2011

Copper Sinks- A Picture of Elegance and Style

I’ve been staying the whole day in our house. I think I have been doing it since the time I graduated in college. I am waiting for the perfect opportunity for me- to find the right job with a good salary.

I will continue moving on and pursing that dream. I appreciated that mom and dad are working so hard. Since I don’t have any work for now, I decided to help them in a very simple way. I cleaned our house and do some of the chores. It's good to do all those chores but I had a hard time cleaning our sink. It is in white tiles so I can easily see the dirt and hard to clean up.

One of the reasons I keep on pursuing my dreams it is because I want to give back something for my parents. I want to give them a good life and a good house. I want to improve our house- definitely to do some home renovations. The first things I want to renovate is our kitchen and change it to copper kitchen sinks. Ever since, I really desire to have home renovation. I’ve seen in the internet the use copper sinks and it really looks so luxurious and elegant- at the same time it can be easily cleaned up. The use copper sink can be a significant that your home is in great style. Someday... we will have a copper sink.

Keep going everyone and never stop believing in the reality of your dreams. God bless.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Quest: Finding the Real Meanng of Love?

What do you mean by love?

Have you ever receive the perfect love?

Many had longed to have a perfect valentine partner...

... and wish to receive this romantic gift from their loved ones.

This is how people and world sees love- kiss, chocolates, roses, cards, dates. Indeed romantic.

Today, let me share to you the real meaning of LOVE...

Many showed there love but nothing could ever prove this kind of love...

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

We can only find that kind of love in Jesus Christ.

It is perfect. It is genuine. It is unconditional. It is LOVE. He is love.

Oh, I really love to share this video.

Happy hearts day.
Keep going everyone. God bless.

Lockers: Anyone?

I’m home.

I supposed to study and review my lessons the whole day but I was quite tired and bored so I went to the mall to ease my boredom and my stress. Well I really enjoyed the day. Thank God it helps, but I have to face the truth that I should cope up and study the entire lesson for my upcoming board exam.

So here inside my room I’m planning to buy best Lockers to clean up all the mess inside my room. Honestly, I can’t really focus in studying especially in a messy atmosphere. How I wish I could really have the best Wood Locker or maybe same to our School Lockers. Well, I really need locker in my room especially I am starting to have a lot of things to keep- from my new clothes, shoes, books, school papers and etc.
I wish to have this kind of Triple Tier Designer Locker Deep blue locker in my room

I would really love to try some Lockers for sale which is available online. I prefer to have it online because we can surely guarantee its quality. I just checkout their Gym Lockers and I tell you it has the same as the usual locker you’ve seen in the sport TV shows and movies.

sample school locker

I wish I could really materialize all my plans for my room renovation and to clean up all mess.

Keep going everyone. God bless.