Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wish Granted - My Blog 2009

As the year 2008 ended... my passion and perseverance in blogging had started. The year 2009 is here... now my baby blog had finally grown-up. LOL I started blogging last October and I'm very happy and lucky 'cause finally Google had acknowledge my blog's existence. I'm now a certified PR 3 blogger. Wish granted and next level blogging this 2009! Just wishing for another PR improvement this year.
We celebrated New Year with a Page Rank 3 on this blog and PR 2 on my domain. I thank God for this New Year Blessings. I would also like to congratulate my cousin Marky a.k.a GreenMan for his new domain with PR 2. Keep going everyone. Strive more this 2009.I believe... God will always grant your wish. God bless.


PYNTK said...

Happy New Year Lingz! May you have all of the happiness and joy you can handle all year long. :-)

Tripzibit said...

Congrats on your PR3,keep it up. Happy new year

Mizé said...

Hi.Congrats on the new PR.
Mr. G wasn´t bad for me too :)
A Prosperous New Year!

The Fitness Diva said...

I would just like to wish you a Happy New Year!

All the best to you in 2009!

(congrats on your new page rank!)

The Fitness Diva

Unknown said...

Wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous, and amazing 2009!

Happy New Year!

Vivek Barun said...

congrats on the new pr even i got pr1 considering its been just 4 months. great going.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your PR increase!

Mommy Dharlz said...

ey, appear...Mr. g was really nice..anyway, here's an award for you

Pastilan said...

congratz! sa PR

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